Mayor Garcetti and Councilmember Bonin Knock Doors in Council District 11

With the March 7 election just over two weeks away, Mayor Garcetti joined Councilmember Mike Bonin in the Del Rey neighborhood of Council District 11 on Saturday, February 18, to rally volunteers and talk to voters about the upcoming election.

“The number of people who need to be reminded and motivated to go to the polls, to invest in solutions and progress and in getting things done in our neighborhoods, is important,” said Councilmember Bonin, who is also running for re-election. 

Garcetti and Bonin addressed a group of more than 100 supporters, who gathered at the Del Rey Square apartment complex, an affordable housing community for seniors, to talk about the March 7 election and the important decisions on the ballot.  

Mayor Garcetti instructed volunteers, “When you talk to somebody today -- whether you’re walking or whether you’re calling -- make that connection. Don’t just tell them about Mike, tell them about yourself, the journey that brought you to this moment to spend some time on a Saturday, in the midst of all the rain and everything else challenging the city, of why you believe still that you can make a difference and they can make a difference.”

Canvass with Mike Bonin

Inspiring the crowd before they headed off to make calls and knock doors, Mayor Garcetti said, “Let’s continue to organize, let’s continue to motivate, let’s continue to build the city that we want.”